News: Around the world party

Around the world party

Around the world party

My bestest friend in the whole wide world, threw this incredible International-themed party for her sons 2nd birthday. This is her story:

This weekend was a complete whirlwind of magical festivities for my special little boy. After a couple months of obsessing over every crafty detail my vision finally all came together on Saturday. Baby D's first bday was special and I was most thankful to have my cousins in Hungary to help celebrate. But this year my family was completely surrounded by the majority of our loved ones. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect spring day, perfect for an egg hunt. It was a proud moment to see the look on Baby D's face when he had 50 people singing to him. All of precious details made the party. I have to give special thanks to my momma, MIL and SIL for all of their help. And to Alisha of Cakes and Beans, a sponsor for this weekend's Midwest Baby Expo offered the most adorable tie shirt for the prince of the party. Check out her other precious necklace designs for girls too.

Around the world party

Around the world party

Around the world party

Around the world party

Around the world party

Around the world party

Menu from places we have lived:

Greece- Greek Salad and tzatziki

France- Mini quiches, muffaletta sandwiches and the world's best macaroons

UAE/Lebanon-pita chips, hummous

Cyprus- Spanakopita

Italy- pasta salad


USA- Chocolate and Cream Cheese filled cupcakes and deluxe candy bar

Party favors- globe balls

Music-Putumayo's Gypsy Groove and Greece: A Musical Odyssey

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