News: Baby shower barbecue ideas and inspiration board

Baby shower barbecue ideas and inspiration board

Baby shower barbecue ideas and inspiration board

It had been a while since I had thrown a baby shower, but this past summer I had the opportunity to throw a Baby Shower Barbecue. In search of ideas, I did a search on a variety of my favorite blogs. Nowadays, when it comes time to search for new ideas or awesome recipes, I throw in "blog" or "mom blog" at the end of the search term. I have found that I get more specific results, with great pictures and detailed instructions. As a "mommy" blogger myself, I know that the majority of bloggers will share their honest opinion of recipes they have tried themselves. This is a great way to find new ideas in a pinch. I usually use recipes I have used before, especially when hosting an event, but when all else fails, I put faith in my fellow bloggers. These were some of my favorite finds that I used at my summer shower. While I made the cupcakes, I decided to take the idea a step further and made a Cake that looks like a pie. It was a hit at the party, and tated absolutely delish. It tasted even better than it looked...

Baby shower barbecue ideas and inspiration board

Images and inspiration found here:,, The Celebration Shoppe, The DIY Showoff

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